Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life OR something like it...

I AM dumbfounded that I haven't been on BLOGSPOT in any fashion since 2009. The year that our two precious GRANDS were born.....SERIOUSLY?!?!?

Update: Barry has since divorced, we have not been allowed to see Daisy (ex-wife daughter) who we considered "ours", very sad. Unexpectedly ran into her at Cracker Barrel 2 years ago, she hung out with us the WHOLE time we were there...tearful leaving on our part. Barry has since met and fallen in love with a precious young lady who also has a daughter from a previous marriage...Addyson is her name, she will be 2 in October, she has been "ours" since just before her 1st birthday. MANY threats have been issued to HER mother...NO seriously, we have threatened her!

Lauren and Bryan had the NERVE to move to Birmingham almost 2 years ago, HATE long distance grandparenting! Mary Grace is still BOSS and BOSSY! Beautiful, brilliant, and HILARIOUS! Recently informed her mother that she was a big girl and she lived in California....WHAT?!?

Mallory and Dewey are still in Morton (not really LONG distance, but could be closer) Maddox played T-ball this summer, his Daddy had a death wish and CUT OFF ALL Maddox's curls! But truthfully had previously brainwashed Maddox to chant "curls is for girls" No matter, he is still BEAUTIFUL, even if he is a boy! Mallory graduated from nursing school, passed boards and is now working as an RN at UMC SICU (surgical intensive care unit). That was a relief and a BIG prayer answered.

My sweet Daddy has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, memory sketchy, but health is good. My dear Mama has really been carrying a load, taking its toll emotionally and physically. Just remember them in your prayers if you don't mind.

I am still at the hospital, I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 12 hour shifts. I still love nursing. I feel that the Lord is stirring my heart to expand my horizons, we shall see.....I won a scholarship thru the hospital to go back to school for my BSN (bachelor of science in nursing) It's all online, so far, so good, another prayer offered wouldn't be unappreciated. ;-)

Who knows how long it will be til the next update, but will attempt to add some photos, just to back up my claims to the beauty of  SWEETIE Pie's party makers!!!
This was LAST summer at the Children's Museum

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where does time GO???

Cannot believe how long it has been since I blogged! There has been so much going on in my personal world. Since the babies were born, it seems I always have something to do! My favorite holiday is fast approaching....not Christmas it's Thanksgiving!! My family always comes here for T'day the Saturday after the actual T'day. We have tables set up in our garage, and just have a really fun time. The food is ALWAYS wonderful...I got off work earlier this evening than expected, so just have taken my shower and chillin watching tv with my hubby.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gotta love this face

Boater Man

looks like a little old man! lol


Mary Grace first trip to the pool, just completely relaxed in the warmth of the sun!




Maddox's first trip to the pool, not a big fan of the water (too chilly), but absolutely loved floating in the pool in the contained boat, fell asleep looking too cool for the pool!!

Bryan, Mary Grace, Lola

Proud Daddy

Still Here!!!

Well, after being chastised- haha by my dear Uncle Bill about not posting in AWHILE, I decided that I better "pop up"! Been quite busy with my grand BABIES!! Maddox and Mary Grace are growing leaps and bounds, and naturally I cannot get enough baby lovin'. I left two weeks ago for my "ladies only" trip with my friend Dawn to beautiful Destin, FL, had an absolutely fabulous time, the weather was perfect, got good sun without burning, ate some GREAT food, and was totally ready to come home. We have had some real fun with Maddox, took he and his lovely Mom with us on an outing on our friends pontoon boat (pictures to follow), spend the night parties with both babies, collectively and separately (got two babies up, fed, dressed, loaded in their respective "buckets" and got to church on time! ;-) but was WHUPPED when our time was over. haha. I love you all, and appreciate you checking up on me thru my blog. Pictures coming up are a varied assortment of the last few months.....ENJOY

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!