Saturday, September 27, 2008

I must be getting SMARTER?!

ENPC is the course that I began today and will complete tomorrow...successfully I hope! Emergency nursing pediatric course, amazing all the things that there are to learn and fine tune. This is a course that will eventually be required to work on our pediatric floor, the certification is good for 4 years. I am VERY tired, I worked last weekend at the nursing home here in Byram, then Monday thru Thursday at the hospital, meeting at the hospital on Friday, this course 8-5ish Saturday and Sunday, then back to Mon-Thurs at the hospital. Just alittle whine don't mind me. I just have to find time to do laundry so that we go back to work clothed!!! haha Gary is good to help, he washed the house down today, it looks soooo good! Anxious to get decorated for fall. Going to bed! sweet dreams

Friday, September 26, 2008

Some of my FAVORITE things

FRIDAY>>>my off day! Still had to go to the hospital for a meeting, lasted 1.5 hours, then out to do lunch with Lauren...back to haircut in Brandon, Ashley at "At Your Fingertips" does a GREAT job. Getting my haircut is one of my favs! With naturally curly hair there is not much else to do, but get a cut, and I enjoy it to the fullest! Along with the list of favorites I need to add: Getting a massage, going to the movies, out to dinner with my husband, watching my favorite shows, reading, loving my dogs, shopping with friends, taking photos, enjoying my children, and anxiously awaiting the birth of TWO grandchildren, the marriage of Barry and Jennifer, Mallory and Dewey, LIFE IS GOOOOD!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good to know where you stand...

Please recognize the fact of who your friends are and let them know you appreciate them. I have some really wonderful ones and though not many in number, I believe I can count on them when the chips are down...Today was stressful at work, not the actual work, but the conditions...For any of you who read this and know me and count me a friend, THANK YOU!
These are my parents...FRIENDS to be sure!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I HATE traffic

Well, I do not like traffic...not at ALL. One of the reasons that I like going to work so early is that there is no real road rage. And when I pull a 12 hour shift, the interstate is also relatively un-jammed. What do you suppose I ran into on the way home tonight???YEP that's right a jam. Do you ever come up on one of those signs that state the lane ahead, either left or right will be closed in x amount of feet. Are you one of those who continue on in said lane or do you go ahead and move over in preparation? I am a preparer, I really have a HUGE problem with those who speed passed me, then turn on the signal to move over. I practically lodged myself onto a tractor trailer hauling LARGE equipment to keep some jacka-- from moving over! I know it is childish, but that is what I am when it comes to this type of idiotic behavior. Off soapbox now...have a very pleasant evening.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well my beautiful daughter, Lauren called and said..."you haven't been blogging", I explained that I did a three-fer on Sunday evening. Guess she got tired of checking and quit before Sunday. I had a great day today, and like my friend Shawn (another blogger) I am stoked that this week is premier week for so many of the shows that we love. We do have dvr so I can record and watch at my leisure. Love that feature! I also love, love , love my laptop! Never thought I would love it soooooooooooo much. If there are any of you out there that are following my blog, please comment if you want, it is fun to hear from you! So the Viking classic has come and gone, I think that it was well attended, Gary went out yesterday after church while I worked, and had an enjoyable time. I am going to try and add a prayer request list on the side lines of my blog, please add these names to your prayer time, and send me yours, I would be honored to pray for things that are important to you. Take care, oh! my friend Lee shared a great quote today, it goes like this. "It is not the storm that is so important, it is that you learn to dance in the rain" probably not exact, but you get the general idea!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Catching Up

So, we drove to Sumrall on Friday night to watch our nephew Ryan Knight play football and receive his championship ring from the baseball season during halftime. It was much fun! Everyone in the stands..young and old had on Bobcats shirts, they were sooo into their team, I loved that. For those not sure where Sumrall is, head to Hattiesburg, turn right at Seminary and go seemed that way at the time!! Left after the ring presentation, had to work on Saturday at the nursing home.

Saturday, uneventful work day, then to the movies for a matinee showing of The Family That Preys...Tyler Perry is soooo GOOD. Most of his movies or all of them that I have seen have such good basic lessons, along with humor, drama, and emotion. Please go see this movie, Gary and I both were only disappointed that it ended before we were ready to leave...Sunday at the nursing home was more eventful as one of the residents, a very brittle diabetic was found unresponsive in the hallway, I was pulled from the dining hall to check it out and spent the next hour, pushing almost literally sweetened orange juice, granulated sugar, all after an injection was given by her nurse, when I left the room, she was once again responsive and sitting up eating her lunch!!!I love the medical field. CYA

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!