Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well, you know that both our daughters are expecting their first children...and how blessed is that? Well I just wanted to post that I am so cognizant of that fact and don't want to take it for granted. This afternoon I was speaking with my neighbor, a newlywed who has found out that she and her husband are unexpectedly "expecting" their first child and after many sonograms have discovered problems...unclear all it may be and I need to add that we are joining with them to pray and believe for a healing of this precious unborn babe....but thankfully our girls have had sonograms that show ALL is well-a priceless gift to be sure. Well I won't drag on, but suffice it to say that my day at work was less than STELLAR and I wanted to dwell on something very PLEASANT. Tried to add a count down space on my blog, so far it is not working, will continue to try so all can see when our deliveries should occur.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Age doesn't matter?

For the longest time, I thought that was true...til today I heard an advertisement for AARP car insurance...Guess who qualifies after the next birthday which is only 6 months away???Yep that's right, yours truly! OMG, I qualify for the American Association of retired persons insurance....I have only been working in the job that I believe I was meant for a measly two years, and here I am old enough to get retired people insurance. What's next? senior citizen shopping discount days? I love a sale, but because I am "old", not really an exciting thought. I still feel young most days, so this was quite a blow to the thought process. I am sure I will move beyond this as who doesn't like to get a bargain, whether it is on car insurance or ss shopping days? Been a long 12 hour shift, so will sign off for tonight! OLD sweetie pie ;-)

Monday, September 15, 2008

No rest for the weary

Ever hear the comment, 90% of the work is usually done by 10% of the people? That is how it goes at the hospital most of the time. There are those who always whine that they are behind and want your help, which you are glad to give, but when the proverbial shoe is on the other foot, the answer is always "if I get caught up" HELLOOOO???? Oh well, just pays to pay attention to 'sayings' and not expect too much. But ever the optimistic, glass is half full kinda girl, I will continue to expect the best and occasionally I will be pleasantly surprised!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

No age limit for rude behavior

Ever notice how rude behavior has no age limit? I am always so surprised when the truly young or elderly are rude. One shouldn't know how to be rude and the other should know better! Standing in line at Mazzio's tonight after church patiently waiting my turn to order, an older lady went right passed me to place her order leaving me aghast at her lack of respect or could it be that she simply did not see me? I think not! Oh well, our pizza was wonderful and the salad mucho fresh, so I was rewarded for not tripping the old girl!!!

Setting the record straight....

As I have looked back over my blog of the day...and photos that I have added, I have noticed that I remarked on my handsome husband and son, but nothing was said in the way of complimenting my daughters and future daughter in law...well let the record note that I think they are all Beautiful....I am a fortunate woman, surrounded by grace, beauty, intellect, and HORMONES>>>will sign off for the day, although this could be very addictive. I know that I have included many photos today, just wanted to share my family. They are my PRIDE and JOY. Until next time CYA
Jennifer and Daisy-Barry's fiancee and our "grand girl"
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This is Barry, my very handsome son, with Lauren. This was taken at Lauren and Bryan's rehearsal dinner. One of my favorite pics
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Meet Lauren, my oldest daughter
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All My Children...and dogs

Christmas last year with "all my children, grand daisy and grandpups" Christmas 09 will be increased by two precious new "GRANDS"
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my baby girl Mallory

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Still in love

This is my handsome husband with me at his company dinner,just wanted you to see my better half!
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Sweet musings

Today is the first day of my life as a "blogger" never thought I would be one! Oh well, life is good. I am the Sweetie Pie looking forward to the birth of her first two "blood related" grandchildren. Mallory is expecting a BOY, we thought up until last Thursday that we were expecting a GIRL and whew what an adjustment. The department stores are receiving returns like nobody's business. I know you should never start buying early, but oh well what can I say! It was FUN. Friday, I went out on the hunt for BOY clothes...guess what just as many cute things. Lauren is just expecting at this point, a miracle to be sure, she emphatically wants a BOY, and if perchance it is a GIRL, Mallory will swear it is a conspiracy!!! Oh to be the baby of the family, spoiled and not just by me I might add. Barry's fiancee has a daughter, Daisy and we definitely lay claim to her as our very own as well! Pictures to follow, as soon as I figure this whole Blog thing out.

This is how I learned that Lauren was pregnant!!She came to the hospital (where I work) and asked for a cup of water, followed me to the kitchen and when I turned around to hand her the cup, she handed me the "stick"! I WAS AND AM THRILLED! She then proceeded to go to her Dad at work and share the blessing...what a day to remember. Her due date is around April 18th.

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!