Friday, October 17, 2008


SAWEEET! I so love a Friday that I don't have to do anything. Sitting in bed, blogging, listening to my dogs sleep, drizzly rain outside! AHHH. Yesterday was as usual for a long day CRAZY. But on to today. Logged on to check on finances...ok. Meet sister-in-law for early 11 lunch..window shop maybe. Home to rest alittle, maybe craft alittle. Then to my nephew Hunter's football game, most of my family will be in attendance, excited about being together, hope the rain lets up, wet football watching not so much fun. I need to put in print that I have a MOST AMAZING husband. A quiet man, but he is the real deal that women dream of meeting and marrying...and he is mine. I am blessed beyond words. And my children are pretty fabulous as well, and their partner choices! Mallory is beginning to look pregnant...such a cute little belly, Maddox has begun kicking like least now I can feel him and see him exercising! Lauren is doing well, anxious to find out boy or girl, but satisfied that all are healthy! On to lazing about! Bye

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I had a date

Met Gary after work, went to the movie "Appaloosa" Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen. Really enjoyed it. Not classic or anything, but worth the price of the tickets. Chick-fila then home, a good time was had by all! Work was ok, long day tomorrow. One of our secretaries is retiring tomorrow, will be bittersweet.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rainy days and MONDAYS .....

Did not rain today, but very overcast, and it was Monday, but as the rest of the song goes "always get me down" did not happen! It was a most excellent day, LOTS of patients, few admissions, good attitude by all my friends, well Frana was alittle off but all in all a really good day! Cooked good pasta dish, croissants rolls yummy! Watching dvr shows and blogging one of the dogs-Piper lying right under my right elbow. Cya

Not the Saturday I planned

Well, after the Friday of work, I planned on hanging out at home and catching up on all that has been left undone.....guess what? It ended up being a RARE Saturday that Gary did not play golf! So he and I hung out and worked on our flower beds, went to Home Depot, ate lunch out, later in the evening we went to Lakeshore church for a "grand ole opry" style talent show to raise money for a cancer camp-Camp Bluebird. Our Lauren sang "Suds in the bucket" did a FABULOUS job, of course you think that I am prejudiced, which I am BUT she was one of the best-honestly. Shawn and the girls were there, lovely to see them (Shawn is Lauren's sister in law, the girls being her daughters Bailey and Ivey.) Sunday, we went to church and a new Sunday school class, which we enjoyed. After lunching at Mazzios we went to the fair for one last HOORAH! As luck would have it, we met up with Richard and Susan Norton, our Daisy's other grandparents! We hung out with them, took turns riding with Daisy and generally had a wonderful time! I blogged all of this this morning, but internet was down, so couldn't save or publish! I tried guys, truly I did!

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!