Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where does time GO???

Cannot believe how long it has been since I blogged! There has been so much going on in my personal world. Since the babies were born, it seems I always have something to do! My favorite holiday is fast approaching....not Christmas it's Thanksgiving!! My family always comes here for T'day the Saturday after the actual T'day. We have tables set up in our garage, and just have a really fun time. The food is ALWAYS wonderful...I got off work earlier this evening than expected, so just have taken my shower and chillin watching tv with my hubby.

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About Me

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I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!