Monday, October 20, 2008

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"

Whew! I had agreed to work til 7 tonight which would have given me two 12's in a row, but as luck would have it and ALOT of prayer, I got to leave at 3. My dogs were so happy to see me! Mallory is working til 7, Gary is playing in a tournament and then a softball game, so it's just me and I LOVE being at home. Trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. Lovely weather AND gas is $2.42 in Byram....a beautiful day in the neighborhood INDEED!!!!

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About Me

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I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!