Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where does time GO???

Cannot believe how long it has been since I blogged! There has been so much going on in my personal world. Since the babies were born, it seems I always have something to do! My favorite holiday is fast approaching....not Christmas it's Thanksgiving!! My family always comes here for T'day the Saturday after the actual T'day. We have tables set up in our garage, and just have a really fun time. The food is ALWAYS wonderful...I got off work earlier this evening than expected, so just have taken my shower and chillin watching tv with my hubby.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gotta love this face

Boater Man

looks like a little old man! lol


Mary Grace first trip to the pool, just completely relaxed in the warmth of the sun!




Maddox's first trip to the pool, not a big fan of the water (too chilly), but absolutely loved floating in the pool in the contained boat, fell asleep looking too cool for the pool!!

Bryan, Mary Grace, Lola

Proud Daddy

Still Here!!!

Well, after being chastised- haha by my dear Uncle Bill about not posting in AWHILE, I decided that I better "pop up"! Been quite busy with my grand BABIES!! Maddox and Mary Grace are growing leaps and bounds, and naturally I cannot get enough baby lovin'. I left two weeks ago for my "ladies only" trip with my friend Dawn to beautiful Destin, FL, had an absolutely fabulous time, the weather was perfect, got good sun without burning, ate some GREAT food, and was totally ready to come home. We have had some real fun with Maddox, took he and his lovely Mom with us on an outing on our friends pontoon boat (pictures to follow), spend the night parties with both babies, collectively and separately (got two babies up, fed, dressed, loaded in their respective "buckets" and got to church on time! ;-) but was WHUPPED when our time was over. haha. I love you all, and appreciate you checking up on me thru my blog. Pictures coming up are a varied assortment of the last few months.....ENJOY

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our baby BOSS, and Maddox

Mary Grace went to the doctor today for a 2 week check up today. Got glowing review, weighing in at 7 lbs even, not back up to birth weight yet, but to go back and weigh in next week. Very healthy, only needs 4 more oz to be at birth weight. We are so pleased with our wonderful "GRANDS". Maddox is growing like a weed. He and Mallory stayed with us for most of the last week as Dewey was out of town, thoroughly enjoyed them, and home was a much emptier place tonight! Get to keep him on Saturday as Mallory has to work, so will look forward to that. I am so blessed, and grateful for our beautiful and GROWING family! Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday with Sweetie Pie-Aah

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And then there were TWO!! Sweetie Pie's Party expands.

On their first meeting on the evening of MGT's arrival home, the young cousins at first seem unaffected by the sharing of our world...then literally seconds later their countenance changed. Look how much longer Maddox is than the BOSS. She is 20.25 inches long, while he was 25 inches at his last check up. Funny how much difference there is in 9 weeks, huh?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A day of REST?

Today, I went to Lauren and Bryan's after Sunday school, fixed alittle lunch and visited with the newest parents of our family! Lunch was tasty if not gourmet>>>ha. Shortly afterward, the couple found their way to their room for a much needed nap as the "boss" and I stayed in the family room. She rested comfortably in the pack and play and I watched King Kong (newest version with Jack Black)so-so. All in all a very pleasant way to pass an afternoon. Working 12 hours tomorrow and Tuesday, so may not blog (and you thought I was getting back in the swing of things) hmmm.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What a BEAUTY is our BOSS

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The rest is history

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The hand that will forever hold her Daddy's heart!

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Patiently waiting....?

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Waiting for the BOSS

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The BOSS (Mary Grace Tomlinson) has arrived!!!!

Well on a day that we would not have forgotten anyway (TAXES DUE) Miss Mary Grace Tomlinson arrived into our world, and what was an already blessed beyond measure life has expanded with the addition of a 7 lb 4 oz, 20 1/4 in long little girl!! MGT (the boss) was alittle hesitant about arriving, after two hours of pushing (Pie felt like she was in labor too!!) the MD decided a section was the best option, so at 6:18pm our life was blessed with the arrival of this precious darling! Very healthy, ten fingers, toes, head full of dark hair, with an excellent set of lungs!! Of all the wonderful things that I have experienced in my life, seeing our first grandchildren arrive has been at the top of my list as the MOST wonderful! Of course that my daughters were A-OK after delivery was at the tippy top!! Thank you all for the prayers and love that you have shown us during our very busy season of weddings and babies!! Keeping my Maddox while his Mama is at work, so need to check on him-signing off- S. Pie
Pictures to follow!

Friday, April 10, 2009

It is hard to get us to all cooperate without catching at least one of us with our mouth moving!

How many hours are in a DAY???

Well, since my last blog, our son has gotten married, my grandson has celebrated 9 weeks, Lauren has dilated 2 cm, Gary has gone to the Masters tournament practice rounds in Augusta, GA, (should return later tonight) and Daisy will celebrate 5 year birthday next week! My house is a wreck, I owe the IRS which is due next week (just in case any of you are in the same boat and forgot the date!!) I have some pictures that I will attempt to upload. And LIFE IS GOOD!! We are very excited that Mary Grace will soon be here, and are LOVE LOVE loving having Maddox in our world, and combined with the fact that Daisy is now our OFFICIAL oldest granddaughter we are beyond BLESSED. I love you all and am sorry I cannot squeeze it all in on a regular basis. I hope you will forgive me when you view these pictures of my life!!! will send in a separate blog. SP

Thursday, February 5, 2009

HOW can he be more BEAUTIFUL???

I went to the hospital today about 1130, spent the day with my perfect grandson, and beautiful daughter. I could tell that she was so very tired, but we had a lovely time. He is so much less puffy, and even more GORGEOUS!!!! There were many visitors today, so wonderful to have friends that care. But tiring...feeling alittle overwhelmed by her own admission, but a fabulous, attentive mom. Maddox is feeding well, and Mallory is very patient. Dewey is getting alittle antsy being confined to hospital, I think, but a very patient, kind, attentive husband and father! I am very impressed with our son in law, not to mention our lovely daughter.

Our Little Prince has arrived!!!

OMG!!!!!I was in the delivery room when our first grandchild entered this world, and it was the most amazing experience in my life!! Maddox Lee Culpepper entered this world at 1:49 pm weighing a nice 7lbs 14 oz, 20 inches long, beautiful skin, dark hair (not alot) For those of you who know what an APGAR score is he was a respectable 9/9. I have some really good photos, but left the camera at the hospital for other photo ops after Papa and Pie went home for some rest!!! Our Mallory was remarkable! For the drama queen she has always been, she was the most calm and collected delivering mother! We are so proud, relieved, amazed and most of all THANKFUL to the Lord, for an uneventful labor and delivery, a healthy baby boy and mom!! Dewey was at her side nonstop, a devoted husband and father! Photos to follow asap! Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes! A smitten Sweetie Pie!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sunshine and Snot

Don't ya just hate having the clear, runny nose, throat tickle and the day outside is set to be sunny and beautiful? Woke up feeling sore and achy, trying to push through, pay bills, answer emails, figure out facebook....I did get my sheets changed, I really need to bathe Teddy, but that may have to wait. Meeting Mallory at 145 for the check up. We will see....Going now, have a tremendous weekend!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On borrowed time!!

Well last Friday I met Mallory at the Dr. office for her appt. She has dilated one centimeter. And for all of you Moms out there you know that means....NOTHING or EVERYTHING. She was 37 weeks and her Dr. told her that she was term and he was comfortable with her going into labor at any time now. She calmly replied "well I have a shower this next weekend and I am scheduled to work, so I would rather not" He laughed and told her that if something happened to change her plans.....like a BABY to call him. Lauren is doing so well, moving right along. It is alittle bit overwhelming when you think of it too hard. But we are excited and both girls have their stuff pretty well in hand. My sons in law are very good with taking care of them, and I expect no less!! Hoping you all are well. Oh, I have signed up on facebook too, not sure when I will find the time for that as I can hardly blog. but one never knows!!! CYA

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wedding Pics

I forgot to include the web address for Mallory and Dewey's wedding pics. Here it is, photog did good considering the limited space and amount of peeps in my living room. Did not get enough of Mallory alone for large foyer portrait to go with Lauren's, but will wait now til after Maddox is born, and she will feel more beautiful! http://smalltownportraits.photoreflect.com. The date of the event is December 13, 2008. CYA


Okay, so I haven't blogged in a long while. I have picked up extra shifts at the hospital, it has been crazy! I got a new phone with internet, so I can check my email almost anytime, and I am so tired at the end of twelve hour shifts that I cannot even pick up my laptop!!!! OK enough whining! The new year came in swiftly, huh? Mallory is at the end of a very easy pregnancy, Lauren is into her 6th month....of an easy pregnancy, boy we are sooo blessed. Our Christmas was wonderful, alittle chaotic with trying to figure in three other family happenings, but a happy none the less. Gary and I went up to Canton to see the lights, it was very cold that night, so it actually felt like a tv Christmas. (you know what I mean). I was scheduled to work on New Year's eve, but got called off-a pleasant surprise. I was scheduled to work on New Year's Day, got called off at 5am...another pleasant surprise, then at 730 was called in because someone did not show up....an unpleasant surprise! But even with getting there two hours after shift had started and playing catch up, it was a nice day. I am trying to decide while doing laudry this morning if I want to put up Valentine decorations to enjoy since the fourteenth will be here before we know it, and I have a baby soon to be delivered which will take precedence over decorating! Going to run and get some housework done, as I have to get to the gym early...will tell you my goal...not resolution in next blog. Stay tuned. Love you all!!! PIE

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!