Monday, September 29, 2008

Celebration of our Mallory's 20th birthday

Tonight we celebrated at the local "cheap" mexican restuarant in Byram. El Sombrero, the food was good, the company excellent, a good time was had by all....Note some of the pics to the right of our girl with the sombrero on. Do I look slimmer? I am trying, although the birthday cake I had tonight was not on the program...hmmm


monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

do you look slimmer... pie you always look good!! Tell Mal I said happy bday, looked like fun and I love me some MEXICAN food!!!!! Ta

monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

K, so I am not going to visit your blog anymore if you aren't going to update!!!!! :)!! Hope you have a great weekend.

Shayleen said...

You always take such good pictures! I just love you to pieces!! Hi and love to the kids, dogs, Gary and your momma and daddy. XOXOXOXO

Love you

ps..pray for me ;)

About Me

My photo
I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!