Monday, October 6, 2008

Just another day in paradise

The day at work was WORK! So we will move on to other things! Today after WORK I went to the tax collectors office to buy Mallory's tag, well as I walked in and was patiently waiting my turn (it was not too crowded at all) a nicely dressed black gentleman eating cheezits walked up to me and asked was I renewing a tag? I of course answered yes, he said come with I traversed to the back of the collector's office to be waited on my the "back crew" for whatever reason. Still not sure why but as I was standing waiting for the lady to get my tag, she started breathing heavily, and sweating profusely....I thought she is having a heart attack, when I asked "are you ok?" she said yes I will be fine, but she was definitely NOT, so her coworkers started running up to her and said her sugar is dropping, she gets up and rushes out the door, I asked could I help and the lady said no, when I said I am a nurse, she grabbed my hand and said come on, further to the back corner bathroom where the poor lady was retching over the toilet, so I nursed her, helped her clean up, then left her in the care of another coworker, while I proceeded to purchase our tag. WHEW what excitement.....Gary has a softball game tonight, not going to cheer him on, pooped!!! The picture has nothing to do with my day, just beautiful Daisy, and it makes me smile!!!

1 comment:

Lauren Tomlinson said...

You didn't tell me any of that when I talked to you!

About Me

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I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!