Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rainy days....

Home tonight around 740, cloudy, dogs so happy to see me, I guess Gary was too, although no tag waggin' from him! Had my half of a McAlister's wrap, with a delish bag of plain chips (another favorite of mine) watching a few of our dvr shows, that we haven't had time to watch. Canton flea market coming up on Thursday. Can't go this time, others already have asked off. Oh well, I have B'ham to look forward to and the Rankin thing in December. Raining outside now, all dogs safe and snuggly inside with us. Our home smells decidedly like.....yep you guessed it-DOGS. Love em anyway.

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About Me

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I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!