Monday, December 15, 2008

And then there were NONE....

Saturday the 13th of December our lovely daughter Mallory became a married woman! She looked absolutely beautiful. Dewey looked nice too, although we really wished that he would have gotten a haircut, oh well, it didn't bother his bride, so one day when they look back on these photos, they will get a good laugh! They left shortly after the ceremony and drove to Gulf Shores, AL. Ate out and shopped and enjoyed the ocean view from their room. And so now there are no children left in my nest... Gary, my mom and myself held up pretty well, although we all had our meltdown moments, but not where the happy couple saw. That was what Mallory was most nervous about, I think. We had photos made and when I get them, I will share....Still have some Christmas shopping to do, but will have to wait until Friday....Have a fabulous evening/day...OH, have you read the book "The Shack" it is really an unbelievable book. Thought provoking, you really need to read! CYA....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And so the countdown begins....

Well a week from this Saturday, our baby girl will be saying her vows and getting married...Hard to believe, and alittle sad. BUT, we are getting excited too! Not really sure where everyone will fit, but even with SRO it will be sweet. There is a bridal shower this Saturday, looking forward to it too! I have worked the last two days 12 hour shifts, am somewhat worn out, tomorrow is an 8 hour, so it will feel like a vacation-Yea!! There is so much to be done at my crazy home, laundry, cleaning, picking up, wrapping Christmas presents, shower gifts, etc. Boggles the mind to think about, when all I really want to do is sit in the recliner, but time waits for NO one and there are no elves/fairies to surprise me with completed chores-ah well! We decorated the unit for CHristmas today in between patient care....well Lee did most of the work, Tammy did most of the complaining! Ha ha. It looks good! Hey for those of you who have dogs that have skin problems, odor problems, coat problems I have found some stuff that has been advertised to really make a difference, since most of those problems are related to a deficit in nutrition. Dinovite ( a powder substance) sprinkled over food and mixed once a day! Have only used for one week and have seen a real difference! And I am not a paid advertisement for this product! Am LOVING being a truck owner/driver...Trying to come up with a name for him...him? Any suggestions? Signing off now, really sleepy! Remember we are all BLESSED!

Friday, November 28, 2008

BLACK FRIDAY beginning early

Well friends, I did something I have never done before...Last night I went with a friend, leaving at 10 pm drove to Vicksburg, about 50 miles west of here to an outlet mall. The gimmick was that they were opening at 11pm and staying open til closing time Friday night. We shopped until around two, drove home, dropped off my friend, got home around 330 crawled into bed and slept for about 4.5 hours. Went back out in the rain most of all today and shopped with Gary (who was obviously not playing golf in the rain!) Had a wonderful time with both the girlfriend and the husband friend. Can I just tell you I do not know when I was out on the roads at that time of the morning! Not even when actually young and dating! Oh and got some excellent deals, and saved much money!!!! and we all know that is the name of the game.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

THANKFUL Thanksgiving two fans!! I think the only two people who read this is my Lauren and her sister in law..oh well. I have been MIA again, I know. So much going on, Mallory has had one shower already, another one tomorrow, and on the 6th of December is a bridal shower for our baby girl. AND guess what? Well the two who read this know already...but IT IS A BOY!! for Lauren and Bryan. We are very excited!! Two little boys to grow up and into mischief at Pie and Papa's house!! I am hosting my side of the family at our home today for our Thanksgiving meal, no room inside the house so I always set up in the garage...non-traditional to be sure, but we all seem to have fun, and plenty to eat so we are THANKFUL!! Trying to get things pulled together for the wedding on the 13th, much to do, but having a wonderful time....OH AND I got a new vehicle and it is ......a TRUCK!!! I love it, a Chevy Silverado, LT, four door, loaded, not brand new but new to me. I called Gary yesterday and asked him "so why have I not always driven a truck?" It is so cool. We sold his little truck and he is driving Minerva, the squeaker (just recently named) I have no belief that Gary will call her anything but Squeaky. Gotta go set up the garage, hopefully will post pics in the next few....weeks, months-you know me-

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall is here in all her GLORY

Here is the tallow tree outside my parents home in Jackson. Very festive
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a few pics from our trip to B'ham, Bryan's parents Kathy and Jack, with one of Lauren...showing our Grandbaby...flavor undetermined at this time!!!!!!

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Drizzly Day

Well, the day is very dismal and gray, not cold, but looks like it should be. Very drizzly (is that a word?) Was very glad Maurice Greene was the one that got voted off DWTS. I know that is not hugely important, but true in my world. I had some questions about when Mallory's wedding will take place, it will be on December 13 at 2pm here. Lauren and another friend are giving them a wedding shower on the 6th, which she is very excited about. They have registered at a few places, Target, Walmart....not sure about Home Depot, but if I were registering I would register me some HD! She sure is looking more like a pregnant lady these days! Lauren too, finally beginning to show...Barry and Jennifer's wedding plans are really in high gear, and Daisy is growing like a weed. My calendar these days is really full....mostly with fun, exciting stuff! Will try to blog again, and post some pics!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Long time NO blog!

SORRY, I just haven't had the time or energy! My exciting news that I indicated I would blog is ....Mallory and Dewey are getting married in a small ceremony at our house, just family, but all are very excited about it. She had a baby shower on Saturday in Morton area with his family and Mom's friends. Very well attended, and many wonderful gifts. Lauren went to the doctor last week, not able to tell what flavor baby yet, should know in about three weeks! Going to a seminar tomorrow instead of work, won't have to wake up so early! Will try to blog again tomorrow! No promises!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Work was good today! Just a long day. My sweet husband bought a McAlister's wrap was waiting on me when I arrived home. We had a good many trick or treaters he said, but none since I have been here. Must get stuff together for our trip, but as I am an early riser, will do that in the morning while Gary sleeping. We are just watching alittle tv and chillin' Anxious to go to b'ham tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2008

...NOT my best Monday!

I believed that I would have a GREAT day, after a wonderful night of sleep. I arrived at work, made my assignments, a code was called, I responded with others, Not a true code right then,

but just as report was beginning, another code was called to same room, after a half hour, the time of death was called. So sad to watch life slip away, but sadder is that there was no family to care. A few friends, but no family. I had taken care of this man many times in the past, and his night nurse reported that thru the night he was very afraid of dying. So I guess the saddest part of this story is that while I do not know the true state of his spiritual heart, I would say that he was not prepared to meet His maker. The day spiraled downward from there...believing for a better day tomorrow!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The weekend is almost OVER>>>>>>

Our time in the country was WONDERFUL!!! Weather perfect and great 'girl' time. we watched chick flicks, and just relaxed. Not much to blog, keep the election day on your calendars as we have to get out and vote to make a difference! And I agree with my friend Shawn, early voting should only be allowed for truly absent voters! I am not sure if I mentioned that the 21st was the 2nd anniversary for our beautiful daugher Lauren and her SUPER husband Bryan. I have a wonderful announcement.....but will make it alittle later in the week....just have to wait! Will try to blog more often this week! And will post pic from this weekend too!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Finally Friday!

Waiting not so patiently for my friend Harriet to arrive so that we can head out for the country home in Yazoo county! A beautiful place, peaceful and far away from distractions of day to day existence! Harriet needs this away time even more than me! I had a fabulous massage today, thoroughly enjoyable....and I AM WORTH IT!!!! I have started trying to do something just for me at least every two weeks, not $$ but just a luxury, last week I had a spa pedicure and manicure, also very enjoyable, and not two weeks apart, yea me! I must get down to crafting when I arrive back tomorrow afternoon, but I will think about that....tomorrow! Have a great Friday evening, the weather is very Fall-ish here, and gas is $2.16 who would have believed it!

Monday, October 20, 2008

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"

Whew! I had agreed to work til 7 tonight which would have given me two 12's in a row, but as luck would have it and ALOT of prayer, I got to leave at 3. My dogs were so happy to see me! Mallory is working til 7, Gary is playing in a tournament and then a softball game, so it's just me and I LOVE being at home. Trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. Lovely weather AND gas is $2.42 in Byram....a beautiful day in the neighborhood INDEED!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Breast Cancer walk

Saturday I participated in the walk for breast cancer. It was at the Ag Museum, I never dreamed there would be so many walkers. It was a 3 mile walk, although if you factor all the other walking in, it was more like 4.5. Parking was a nightmare as there were three other events going on in the same close area. CRAZY, but the weather was absolutely perfect, and had a really good time. Cancer touches so many lives that we all come in contact with.
Had a date with my handsome husband, we met some friends at Macaroni Grill. Yummy food and excellent conversation.

Church today was great, Lauren sang a solo with the choir, that brought people to their feet when it was over....makes a mother sooooo PROUD. She has a gift, and I am grateful she is using it. Have a most wonderful week my friends! A thought from today's sermon....we choose our attitude, as we think- so we are....choose to make it a great week!

Friday, October 17, 2008


SAWEEET! I so love a Friday that I don't have to do anything. Sitting in bed, blogging, listening to my dogs sleep, drizzly rain outside! AHHH. Yesterday was as usual for a long day CRAZY. But on to today. Logged on to check on finances...ok. Meet sister-in-law for early 11 lunch..window shop maybe. Home to rest alittle, maybe craft alittle. Then to my nephew Hunter's football game, most of my family will be in attendance, excited about being together, hope the rain lets up, wet football watching not so much fun. I need to put in print that I have a MOST AMAZING husband. A quiet man, but he is the real deal that women dream of meeting and marrying...and he is mine. I am blessed beyond words. And my children are pretty fabulous as well, and their partner choices! Mallory is beginning to look pregnant...such a cute little belly, Maddox has begun kicking like least now I can feel him and see him exercising! Lauren is doing well, anxious to find out boy or girl, but satisfied that all are healthy! On to lazing about! Bye

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I had a date

Met Gary after work, went to the movie "Appaloosa" Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen. Really enjoyed it. Not classic or anything, but worth the price of the tickets. Chick-fila then home, a good time was had by all! Work was ok, long day tomorrow. One of our secretaries is retiring tomorrow, will be bittersweet.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rainy days and MONDAYS .....

Did not rain today, but very overcast, and it was Monday, but as the rest of the song goes "always get me down" did not happen! It was a most excellent day, LOTS of patients, few admissions, good attitude by all my friends, well Frana was alittle off but all in all a really good day! Cooked good pasta dish, croissants rolls yummy! Watching dvr shows and blogging one of the dogs-Piper lying right under my right elbow. Cya

Not the Saturday I planned

Well, after the Friday of work, I planned on hanging out at home and catching up on all that has been left undone.....guess what? It ended up being a RARE Saturday that Gary did not play golf! So he and I hung out and worked on our flower beds, went to Home Depot, ate lunch out, later in the evening we went to Lakeshore church for a "grand ole opry" style talent show to raise money for a cancer camp-Camp Bluebird. Our Lauren sang "Suds in the bucket" did a FABULOUS job, of course you think that I am prejudiced, which I am BUT she was one of the best-honestly. Shawn and the girls were there, lovely to see them (Shawn is Lauren's sister in law, the girls being her daughters Bailey and Ivey.) Sunday, we went to church and a new Sunday school class, which we enjoyed. After lunching at Mazzios we went to the fair for one last HOORAH! As luck would have it, we met up with Richard and Susan Norton, our Daisy's other grandparents! We hung out with them, took turns riding with Daisy and generally had a wonderful time! I blogged all of this this morning, but internet was down, so couldn't save or publish! I tried guys, truly I did!

Friday, October 10, 2008

FRIDAY....a work day? I think NOT

Well, today I went in to work...It has been some time since I had to work on a Friday..a blessing to be sure, one that I continually appreciate. We had a good day tho, good flow, no negativity...very enjoyable. Worst part was that Lee was off. My counterpart!!!Hard to be Ethel without Lucy! ;-0 It is a funny thing that one of my best friends who is not one of my daughters is the same age as my oldest daughter. So I either am young at heart OR my friends are much more mature than their age (including my daughters!) Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday, plan to stay home most of that time, straighten home up and decorate for fall! Yeepee

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One day closer to my weekend

Well, we aren't getting off for Canton, the "we" being my friend Lee and I. We work together. We were off for the last Canton flea market, so we get to work tomorrow. We will just have to have fun at work! Am looking forward to this weekend for the plain fact I want to STAY home. Will work on some of my projects to get ready for the B'ham show. The flowers pictured are from my front flower bed. Cool, huh?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rainy days....

Home tonight around 740, cloudy, dogs so happy to see me, I guess Gary was too, although no tag waggin' from him! Had my half of a McAlister's wrap, with a delish bag of plain chips (another favorite of mine) watching a few of our dvr shows, that we haven't had time to watch. Canton flea market coming up on Thursday. Can't go this time, others already have asked off. Oh well, I have B'ham to look forward to and the Rankin thing in December. Raining outside now, all dogs safe and snuggly inside with us. Our home smells decidedly like.....yep you guessed it-DOGS. Love em anyway.

More on this past weekend

i KNOW blogging should be daily, but I am trying to catch up! Friday night Gary and I went out on our date, ate dinner at Ruby Tuesday's (a departure from our usual trip to the Hazlehurst fish house-yum) then to the Christian movie Fireproof. It was excellent, not a Hollywood film to be sure as the majority of actors are members of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. But the message was clear>You really should avail yourself to see this one. This same church has done three total movies, I have seen two. The first one Flywheel, I have not seen, the second one Facing the Giants I have and now this one. Entertaining and clean. The last two came out at the theater, not sure about the first one. Please take your husband or significant other to this film. Leaving for work now!

Wearing my halloween tshirt that reads, "if the broom fits RIDE it!" I am going to have a GREAT day! Claiming it right now. CYA

Monday, October 6, 2008

GOD is GOOD all the TIME

THis was in my email box, I really needed it today. I am grateful and matter what

Thank You

DEAR GOD: I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now.. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles. I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more and do better. I'm thanking you because FATHER , YOU haven't given up on me. God is just so good, and he's good all the time. .

Eddie Fair

The man that walked up to me at the tax collectors office was none other than Eddie Fair, our tax collector. Very nice fellow! Just thought I would identify him.

Just another day in paradise

The day at work was WORK! So we will move on to other things! Today after WORK I went to the tax collectors office to buy Mallory's tag, well as I walked in and was patiently waiting my turn (it was not too crowded at all) a nicely dressed black gentleman eating cheezits walked up to me and asked was I renewing a tag? I of course answered yes, he said come with I traversed to the back of the collector's office to be waited on my the "back crew" for whatever reason. Still not sure why but as I was standing waiting for the lady to get my tag, she started breathing heavily, and sweating profusely....I thought she is having a heart attack, when I asked "are you ok?" she said yes I will be fine, but she was definitely NOT, so her coworkers started running up to her and said her sugar is dropping, she gets up and rushes out the door, I asked could I help and the lady said no, when I said I am a nurse, she grabbed my hand and said come on, further to the back corner bathroom where the poor lady was retching over the toilet, so I nursed her, helped her clean up, then left her in the care of another coworker, while I proceeded to purchase our tag. WHEW what excitement.....Gary has a softball game tonight, not going to cheer him on, pooped!!! The picture has nothing to do with my day, just beautiful Daisy, and it makes me smile!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Okay, so today is my hubby's birthday, after a breakfast of pancakes, we went to Sunday school and church, then out to lunch with Lauren, Bryan and Mallory. yummy food at Reed Pierce's, never fails to satisfy....A lovely afternoon with both my girls being CRAFTY!! There is a craft's fair in Birmingham in November, looking forward to going! There is also one coming up in December here locally. I have several cute ideas that I hope work out. Am trying to make some photos to upload for all to see. THEN after that fun, Gary and I went to the fair, just to walk around and see the sights. We shared a fresh corn on the cob...oh boy, and shortly afterwards headed home. Not sure that I am ready to go back to work, but hopefully it will be much better than last week....Will try to keep up with my blog better. CYA

OKAY! I KNOW I have been bad.....

If it is any consolation, the last week was one that I have to say truly made me wonder if I should have gone to barber school! The powers that be decided it would be a MARVELOUS idea to take all the CNA's (nursing assistants) off the floor for one whole day for a retreat/education day, nurses responsible for EVERYTHING...filling ice pitchers, baths, linen changes, food trays delivered and picked up, bathroom assistance and clean up AND pull and give medications within an hour time frame, plus all the paperwork required. It was NEVER ending and a bit disheartening. So for those of you whining (Lauren and Shawn) thanks for caring and tuning in, but I really didn't have the energy to open my laptop, and it would not have been enjoyable to blog about or blog. BUT, now on a lighter note here is a FUNNY from the week, I received an admit to the floor that looked ....well less than a model citizen, crystal meth teeth, etc. I was taking his vital signs (temp, b/p, resp., pulse) When I inserted the temp probe into his mouth, he moved and starting spitting, I removed the probe and he spit out a tooth...when questioned "did I knock your tooth out" his reply while continuing to spit was "nah, I been losing them for seven years!" I had to leave the room, to keep from laughing. He was a Very sick fella though, and was sent to ICU after my shift. AND -NO I was not the cause for that trip to ICU.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Celebration of our Mallory's 20th birthday

Tonight we celebrated at the local "cheap" mexican restuarant in Byram. El Sombrero, the food was good, the company excellent, a good time was had by all....Note some of the pics to the right of our girl with the sombrero on. Do I look slimmer? I am trying, although the birthday cake I had tonight was not on the program...hmmm

THE BIrthday GIRL!!!before the sombrero

Here she is...our little girl, hard to believe this time 2o years ago I was checking out every little finger and toe! She has become such a beautiful young woman, and believe me there were times that I had my doubts!!! Not about the outward beauty part, but she was a HANDFUL at times. Mostly ages 14-16!
I believe the older she gets, the smarter we seem, I love my family and spending time with them, so tonight was a wonderful event for me, just to be together. We are a BLESSED group to be sure. Good night!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another day in the LIFE...

Well the class is over, I passed!!!Yea, good to go for 4 years now. Here is a picture of my newest adorable Teddy. All 3 lbs of him, he has some issues, but I love him. Prior to coming to live with us, he was not a "pet", taking some time to adjust to being one of the favored ones of the Knight household...Piper loves him, Sissy tolerates him. Back to laundry and vegging, work tomorrow....BUT tomorrow is our precious baby girl, Mallory's 20th birthday!!!OMG our baby is 20. Hard to believe, will attempt to have some favorite photos of her tomorrow....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I must be getting SMARTER?!

ENPC is the course that I began today and will complete tomorrow...successfully I hope! Emergency nursing pediatric course, amazing all the things that there are to learn and fine tune. This is a course that will eventually be required to work on our pediatric floor, the certification is good for 4 years. I am VERY tired, I worked last weekend at the nursing home here in Byram, then Monday thru Thursday at the hospital, meeting at the hospital on Friday, this course 8-5ish Saturday and Sunday, then back to Mon-Thurs at the hospital. Just alittle whine don't mind me. I just have to find time to do laundry so that we go back to work clothed!!! haha Gary is good to help, he washed the house down today, it looks soooo good! Anxious to get decorated for fall. Going to bed! sweet dreams

Friday, September 26, 2008

Some of my FAVORITE things

FRIDAY>>>my off day! Still had to go to the hospital for a meeting, lasted 1.5 hours, then out to do lunch with Lauren...back to haircut in Brandon, Ashley at "At Your Fingertips" does a GREAT job. Getting my haircut is one of my favs! With naturally curly hair there is not much else to do, but get a cut, and I enjoy it to the fullest! Along with the list of favorites I need to add: Getting a massage, going to the movies, out to dinner with my husband, watching my favorite shows, reading, loving my dogs, shopping with friends, taking photos, enjoying my children, and anxiously awaiting the birth of TWO grandchildren, the marriage of Barry and Jennifer, Mallory and Dewey, LIFE IS GOOOOD!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good to know where you stand...

Please recognize the fact of who your friends are and let them know you appreciate them. I have some really wonderful ones and though not many in number, I believe I can count on them when the chips are down...Today was stressful at work, not the actual work, but the conditions...For any of you who read this and know me and count me a friend, THANK YOU!
These are my parents...FRIENDS to be sure!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I HATE traffic

Well, I do not like traffic...not at ALL. One of the reasons that I like going to work so early is that there is no real road rage. And when I pull a 12 hour shift, the interstate is also relatively un-jammed. What do you suppose I ran into on the way home tonight???YEP that's right a jam. Do you ever come up on one of those signs that state the lane ahead, either left or right will be closed in x amount of feet. Are you one of those who continue on in said lane or do you go ahead and move over in preparation? I am a preparer, I really have a HUGE problem with those who speed passed me, then turn on the signal to move over. I practically lodged myself onto a tractor trailer hauling LARGE equipment to keep some jacka-- from moving over! I know it is childish, but that is what I am when it comes to this type of idiotic behavior. Off soapbox now...have a very pleasant evening.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well my beautiful daughter, Lauren called and said..."you haven't been blogging", I explained that I did a three-fer on Sunday evening. Guess she got tired of checking and quit before Sunday. I had a great day today, and like my friend Shawn (another blogger) I am stoked that this week is premier week for so many of the shows that we love. We do have dvr so I can record and watch at my leisure. Love that feature! I also love, love , love my laptop! Never thought I would love it soooooooooooo much. If there are any of you out there that are following my blog, please comment if you want, it is fun to hear from you! So the Viking classic has come and gone, I think that it was well attended, Gary went out yesterday after church while I worked, and had an enjoyable time. I am going to try and add a prayer request list on the side lines of my blog, please add these names to your prayer time, and send me yours, I would be honored to pray for things that are important to you. Take care, oh! my friend Lee shared a great quote today, it goes like this. "It is not the storm that is so important, it is that you learn to dance in the rain" probably not exact, but you get the general idea!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Catching Up

So, we drove to Sumrall on Friday night to watch our nephew Ryan Knight play football and receive his championship ring from the baseball season during halftime. It was much fun! Everyone in the stands..young and old had on Bobcats shirts, they were sooo into their team, I loved that. For those not sure where Sumrall is, head to Hattiesburg, turn right at Seminary and go seemed that way at the time!! Left after the ring presentation, had to work on Saturday at the nursing home.

Saturday, uneventful work day, then to the movies for a matinee showing of The Family That Preys...Tyler Perry is soooo GOOD. Most of his movies or all of them that I have seen have such good basic lessons, along with humor, drama, and emotion. Please go see this movie, Gary and I both were only disappointed that it ended before we were ready to leave...Sunday at the nursing home was more eventful as one of the residents, a very brittle diabetic was found unresponsive in the hallway, I was pulled from the dining hall to check it out and spent the next hour, pushing almost literally sweetened orange juice, granulated sugar, all after an injection was given by her nurse, when I left the room, she was once again responsive and sitting up eating her lunch!!!I love the medical field. CYA

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well, you know that both our daughters are expecting their first children...and how blessed is that? Well I just wanted to post that I am so cognizant of that fact and don't want to take it for granted. This afternoon I was speaking with my neighbor, a newlywed who has found out that she and her husband are unexpectedly "expecting" their first child and after many sonograms have discovered problems...unclear all it may be and I need to add that we are joining with them to pray and believe for a healing of this precious unborn babe....but thankfully our girls have had sonograms that show ALL is well-a priceless gift to be sure. Well I won't drag on, but suffice it to say that my day at work was less than STELLAR and I wanted to dwell on something very PLEASANT. Tried to add a count down space on my blog, so far it is not working, will continue to try so all can see when our deliveries should occur.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Age doesn't matter?

For the longest time, I thought that was true...til today I heard an advertisement for AARP car insurance...Guess who qualifies after the next birthday which is only 6 months away???Yep that's right, yours truly! OMG, I qualify for the American Association of retired persons insurance....I have only been working in the job that I believe I was meant for a measly two years, and here I am old enough to get retired people insurance. What's next? senior citizen shopping discount days? I love a sale, but because I am "old", not really an exciting thought. I still feel young most days, so this was quite a blow to the thought process. I am sure I will move beyond this as who doesn't like to get a bargain, whether it is on car insurance or ss shopping days? Been a long 12 hour shift, so will sign off for tonight! OLD sweetie pie ;-)

Monday, September 15, 2008

No rest for the weary

Ever hear the comment, 90% of the work is usually done by 10% of the people? That is how it goes at the hospital most of the time. There are those who always whine that they are behind and want your help, which you are glad to give, but when the proverbial shoe is on the other foot, the answer is always "if I get caught up" HELLOOOO???? Oh well, just pays to pay attention to 'sayings' and not expect too much. But ever the optimistic, glass is half full kinda girl, I will continue to expect the best and occasionally I will be pleasantly surprised!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

No age limit for rude behavior

Ever notice how rude behavior has no age limit? I am always so surprised when the truly young or elderly are rude. One shouldn't know how to be rude and the other should know better! Standing in line at Mazzio's tonight after church patiently waiting my turn to order, an older lady went right passed me to place her order leaving me aghast at her lack of respect or could it be that she simply did not see me? I think not! Oh well, our pizza was wonderful and the salad mucho fresh, so I was rewarded for not tripping the old girl!!!

Setting the record straight....

As I have looked back over my blog of the day...and photos that I have added, I have noticed that I remarked on my handsome husband and son, but nothing was said in the way of complimenting my daughters and future daughter in law...well let the record note that I think they are all Beautiful....I am a fortunate woman, surrounded by grace, beauty, intellect, and HORMONES>>>will sign off for the day, although this could be very addictive. I know that I have included many photos today, just wanted to share my family. They are my PRIDE and JOY. Until next time CYA
Jennifer and Daisy-Barry's fiancee and our "grand girl"
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This is Barry, my very handsome son, with Lauren. This was taken at Lauren and Bryan's rehearsal dinner. One of my favorite pics
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Meet Lauren, my oldest daughter
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All My Children...and dogs

Christmas last year with "all my children, grand daisy and grandpups" Christmas 09 will be increased by two precious new "GRANDS"
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my baby girl Mallory

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Still in love

This is my handsome husband with me at his company dinner,just wanted you to see my better half!
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Sweet musings

Today is the first day of my life as a "blogger" never thought I would be one! Oh well, life is good. I am the Sweetie Pie looking forward to the birth of her first two "blood related" grandchildren. Mallory is expecting a BOY, we thought up until last Thursday that we were expecting a GIRL and whew what an adjustment. The department stores are receiving returns like nobody's business. I know you should never start buying early, but oh well what can I say! It was FUN. Friday, I went out on the hunt for BOY clothes...guess what just as many cute things. Lauren is just expecting at this point, a miracle to be sure, she emphatically wants a BOY, and if perchance it is a GIRL, Mallory will swear it is a conspiracy!!! Oh to be the baby of the family, spoiled and not just by me I might add. Barry's fiancee has a daughter, Daisy and we definitely lay claim to her as our very own as well! Pictures to follow, as soon as I figure this whole Blog thing out.

This is how I learned that Lauren was pregnant!!She came to the hospital (where I work) and asked for a cup of water, followed me to the kitchen and when I turned around to hand her the cup, she handed me the "stick"! I WAS AND AM THRILLED! She then proceeded to go to her Dad at work and share the blessing...what a day to remember. Her due date is around April 18th.

About Me

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I have wanted to be someone's Sweetie Pie since I found out that a young friend of mine's grandson called her Sweetie Pie. He shortened it to Sweetie. I first tried it out with my nephew Hunter. He played along until he outgrew it, but over the years, I have adopted in my heart many friends' children who know me by "Pie". I love it! Before long I will have new "grands" one from each of our daughters, roughly 45 days apart. January 30-Mallory, and April 18-Lauren. Very exciting!!